I discovered
Acres of Books for the first time in mid-January, and I truly fell into a
narrative wonderland, an escape within a giant maze of towering reads. …
Ooooh. But after a few weeks (er, days… I work for a
daily, remember?) of research and hanging around the place, I learned of the store’s dimming truth: it could be knocked down. The stinky trend was finally catching up to
Acres at their lot on Fourth Street and Long Beach Boulevard—a trend involving beautification of the immediate and surrounding blemished street blocks by
Acres, which included a possible buyout from the city.
At Friday's weekly poetry night (or how the owner Jackie Smith calls it, “a psychobabble fest”) the store finally made the announcement: the city would be moving them out, that they had "negotiated the sale of our property... to the Redevelopment Agency," meaning
Acres of Books would be knocked down.
Sad, stinky news. And, I don't get the city's fixation with demolishing history for lofts that nobody's buying. What will be left for Long Beach's future bibliophilic communities? This dusty downtown dinosaur is
the place.
The truth is, there is another bookstore in town that I've also developed a crush on—
{Open}, an independent store on Fourth Street (in the "Retro Row" neighborhood). It's a special little place that thoroughly stocks books by local literary stars, or simply draws large crowds when they invite them in for readings. Their art shows make a good draw, too. (Art di
Matt Maust, anyone?)
So much to choose from... The wonderfully old, and charming new!
See these places for yourself...Acres of Books, 240 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach. (562) 437-6980
{Open} Bookstore, 2226 East Fourth Street, Long Beach. (562) 499-OPEN
Pictured above: (Left) Acres of Books' towering shelves; (right) Echo Park photographer Marleah Tobin at the current art show happening at {open}, taken on opening night (3-29-08). Pictured below: Snapshots of the shelves at {open}. Photos by Barbara Navarro.